We were able to send a total of $10,000 to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Thank you so much for your donations and support!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Keep praying...

On the brighter note, people continue to support each other... just a compilation of tweents. check here for more
"It's pitch dark but we've never seen so many beautiful stars. Look up, Sendai! -conversation at the quake site."
"Disneyland gave out sweets from their shops. Some high school girls got many as they can. I thought why, but they gave the sweets for children in evacuation site. That was really moving scene."
"My two year old was putting his shoes on himself saying "I'm going to go arrest the Earthquake!" I realized that inside a tiny body, there is a lot of courage and Justice. Everyone, lets stand strong and get through this.
"So busy traffic. Only one car can go across the traffic light per one blue light, but I was moved to see people drive gently with giving their way. Some intersecions has been completly stopped for more than 5 min., but I've neber heard any horn sounds except the sounds said "Thank you" for 10 hours. I was sceard, but also I've had warming time, and came to like Japan more."
"Last night when I was tired out waiting for the train at the station, the homeless people gave me one of their cardboards to prevent the cold... even though we usually ignore them in daily life... So warm."
"Disneyland gave out sweets from their shops. Some high school girls got many as they can. I thought why, but they gave the sweets for children in evacuation site. That was really moving scene."
"I received an email from my Korean friend: "The only country to have experienced nuclear attacks. The country that lost the WWII. The country that suffers from typhoons every year and the earthquakes. However, isn't Japan the country that always stood up and overcame such difficulties? Gambare. Gambare." FYI, I am crying right now."
"Last night, when I walked back to home from Campus, a female baker gave us bread for free, even if she has already closed the store. It was moving that I could find people who do things they can do in such loud situation. My heart became warm. Tokyo is not something dumped."

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